Video Library

Financial Advice
Life Insurance
Income Protection
Invest In Your Childs Future

Invest In Your Childs Future

Investing in your child's future is one of the best decisions you can make as a parent. In this video, we dive into key tips from Oaktree Financial Services on how to effectively save for your child's education and future. From understanding the costs involved to selecting the right savings plan, we've got you covered with actionable advice to help you prepare for the future.

Financial Planning: 7 tips to grow your money in your 30s and 40s

Financial Planning: 7 tips to grow your money in your 30s and 40s

Are you in your 30s or 40s and looking to grow your wealth? This video is packed with essential financial tips from Oaktree Financial Services to help you achieve your financial goals. We'll guide you through practical strategies, from setting realistic goals and understanding your pension to managing debt and planning for future milestones. These tips will empower you to make informed decisions and maximize your financial potential.

Financial Planning in your 20s: 5 Tips To Start Today

Financial Planning in your 20s: 5 Tips To Start Today

Are you in your 20s and unsure about how to manage your finances? This video is here to help! Join us as we explore the top financial planning tips from Oaktree Financial Services designed specifically for young adults. We'll cover essential topics such as budgeting, saving, investing, and planning for the future. Whether you're just starting your career or looking to improve your financial habits, these tips will set you on the right path.

Top Financial Advisors & Planners | Save & Invest with OakTree Financial Services

Top Financial Advisors & Planners | Save & Invest with OakTree Financial Services

At OakTree Financial Services, our team of top-tier financial advisors and planners are dedicated to helping you save and invest wisely. Our team specialises in providing expert guidance tailored to your financial goals, ensuring a secure future through strategic planning and investment management. Discover how OakTree Financial Services stands out among the rest with our commitment to excellence and personalised service. Whether you're planning for retirement, saving for education, or growing your wealth, our comprehensive approach to financial advice empowers you to make informed decisions.
In this video, we delve into the essential role of top financial advisors and planners at Oak Tree. Learn about our proven strategies for financial success, including investment diversification, risk management, and proactive wealth management techniques. Gain insights into how our personalised solutions can help you achieve your long-term financial objectives.
Visit our website or contact us today to schedule a consultation with OakTree Financial Services, your trusted partner in securing your financial future.

Top Financial Advisors & Planners | Save & Invest with OakTree Financial Services

Secure Your Future | Financial Advisors & Planners

Welcome to OakTree Financial Services, your trusted partner in securing a prosperous future through expert financial advice and planning. Our dedicated team of financial advisors and planners is committed to helping you achieve your financial goals by providing personalised strategies for saving and investing.
At OakTree, we understand the importance of securing your financial future. Whether you're looking to build wealth, plan for retirement, or achieve other financial milestones, our comprehensive services are designed to meet your unique needs and aspirations. With a focus on transparency, integrity, and client satisfaction, we strive to empower individuals and families to make informed financial decisions.
In this video, we explore how OakTree Financial Services can guide you towards financial success. Learn more about our approach to wealth management, investment planning, and personalised financial solutions that align with your long-term goals. Discover why so many clients trust OakTree to navigate the complexities of financial planning with confidence and peace of mind.
Subscribe to our channel for regular updates and insights on financial planning, investment strategies, and more. Visit our website or contact us today to schedule a consultation and start securing your future with OakTree Financial Services.

Education Savings: The Cost of your Childs Education

Education Savings: The Cost of your Childs Education

Tracy Sumstad explains the importance of starting a savings account for your children's education.
With what seems like never ending, rising, living costs it is more important than ever to set aside savings and plan for your child’s future education.

The Importance Of Investment Risk Profiling

The Importance Of Investment Risk Profiling

Tracy Sumstad explains all about risk profiling and its importance.
The risk profiling process is a process which professional advisors use to assess what the optimal level of risk is for their clients.
Reach out to us at Oaktree, we're ready to help.

Award Wining Expert Financial Advice

Award Wining Expert Financial Advice

Explore award-winning financial advice with Oaktree Financial Services, recipient of the Investment Broker Expert Award 2023.
Why Choose Us?
- Recognised Excellence - Four major awards in the past year.
- Trusted Experts - Our team's guidance is backed by proven success.
- Bespoke Strategies - Tailored advice that aligns with your goals.

What is an Additional Voluntary Contribution in Ireland (AVC's)

What is an Additional Voluntary Contribution in Ireland (AVC's)

Adrian explains AVC's (Additional Voluntary Contributions) and Pensions, a popular topic at this time of year. You still have time to contribute to maximise the tax relief that is available for you for 2022.

Example of a Real Life Pension Plan

Example of a Real Life Pension Plan

Dreaming of a worry-free retirement? Look no further! Our tailored pension plans are designed to make your golden years truly golden.

Life Cover & Critical Illness

Life Cover & Critical Illness

Book a no-obligation chat with our financial advisors to discuss your serious life and critical illness cover needs. We will help you understand the available policies so you can choose the most suitable plan for you and your family.

Group Pension Schemes

Group Pension Schemes

Oaktree Financial's Group Pension Team excels in streamlining company pension schemes for clients and their employees. Our approach ensures a seamless experience by providing a dedicated point of contact to manage all aspects of employee compensation options efficiently.
For those seeking comprehensive company pension plans or seeking information on group pensions in Ireland, Oaktree Financial is your solution. Contact us today to initiate a rewarding journey towards enhancing your employee benefit offerings.

Get Mortgage Ready

Get Mortgage Ready with Oaktree Financial

Whether you are starting or continuing your journey on the property ladder, we are here to help you.
We work with you to ensure that you are getting the best rates available.
Whether you are a first time buyer, want to switch providers, or build your own home, our mortgage specialists will guide you and help you get the most out of the mortgage process.

Redundancy Advice

Redundancy Advice

If you find yourself in a redundancy situation, it is very important that you understand all the options open to you in relation to the taxation of your redundancy and what happens your pension. This is where Oaktree Financial can help.
Redundancies are different for everyone, unique to your individual circumstances. We have worked with many people going through redundancy, and we have yet to come across the same situation twice.
As part of a redundancy, you need to consider the long term picture. It’s important to know what your pension is worth, and understand the consequences of all your options. Making a decision regarding your pension now can waive your right to receive a tax-free lump sum in the future. If you do decide to take a lump sum now, you need to have a clear plan for what to do with the money. The wrong decision regarding your company pension can be costly. At Oaktree Financial, we’re here to help guide you through a considered decision making process.

Achieve Your Financial Goals with Oaktree Financial

Achieve Your Financial Goals with Oaktree Financial

Book a 15-minute no-obligation complimentary chat with a member of the Oaktree team to discuss your professional and personal financial goals, and get clarity on how we can help you move forward in a way that feels good to you. No prior knowledge of financial services is required for the call as we will guide you through the process.

Small Gift Exemption

How To Use The Small Gift Exemption

Practical Applications of the Small Gift Allowance:
Adult children can financially assist their parents by each gifting them €3,000 per annum. This will not be included against their Group 2 threshold.
The most common use of the allowance is for grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles to gift money to children on an annual basis. Gifts can be accumulated by a child to meet future expenditure like education or for a deposit on the purchase of a house. Both parents could gift €3,000 each to their child and also their child’s partner, so a gift of €12,000 can be given by 2 parents to their child and his/her partner in any calendar year.
It can be used as part of an Estate Planning process to reduce future inheritance tax liabilities for children and grandchildren.

retirement planning youtube

Pensions and Retirement Planning

Simplify your retirement planning journey with our trusted experts by your side.
We understand the challenges you face, and our goal is to make retirement planning easy and hassle-free.

Financial Advisor

The Reasons you need to use a Financial Advisor

Are you wondering whether you need a financial advisor? 🤔
Check out this informative video that Adrian has created to help you understand the reasons why you might benefit from working with a professional.
As financial advisors, we've seen firsthand the difference that expert advice can make in helping people achieve their financial goals. Whether you're saving for retirement, buying a home, or looking to grow your wealth, a financial advisor can provide you with the knowledge, guidance, and resources you need to succeed.

Is now the right time to invest in the market?

Is now the right time to invest in the market?

Wondering if now is a good time to invest with markets down? Our expert financial advisor, Adrian, shares his insights in this video. Get the answers you need to make informed investment decisions. 📈

How to manage your money

How to manage your money

Managing money is one of the most vital things in life that many people never get a handle on.
Hopefully this short video will offer some guidance on the items to focus on, so that you can make the most out of your finances.

Tax Relief on your Company Pension Scheme

Tax Relief on your Company Pension Scheme

Did you know Employees can get 20 or 40% Tax Relief on any Contributions they make to a Pension Arrangement?
There is no other investment in the world that can match that kind of a benefit! We strongly encourage you to look into setting up a pension today!

What is Life Insurance

What is Life Insurance?

Life Insurance is not a luxury – it’s a necessity.
You want your loved ones to have the correct protection so they can have enough to meet their needs and sustain their standard of living in the event of your death. As your broker, we have access to the most competitive, comprehensive life insurance products on the market.

What is Income Protection

What is Income Protection?

What is Income Protection and what are the key things that you need to know about? Take a look at our video.

Redundancy & Pension Implications

Redundancy & Pension Implications

If you have been offered a voluntary redundancy recently, you need to make sure you understand the options available to you and the implications of those decisions at a later date.

Principles of Long Term Investing

Principles of Long Term Investing

History has shown that the longer you keep your money invested, the greater the chances of a positive outcome.
Your investment journey is a process rather than a once-off event. As your circumstances change throughout your life you should work with your Financial Broker or Advisor to review the details of your investment strategy and refine as necessary. Regular reviews will ensure you are on track to achieve your long-term, strategic financial goals.

How much should I put into my pension

How much should I put into my pension?

Wondering how much you should put into your pension?
Make the best possible plans for your retirement. If you need to figure out what you should be putting into your pension to avail of tax benefits, get in touch with Oaktree Financial now.
Our friendly experts can help you navigate the world of pensions and retirement planning.

Financial Planning & Divorce

Financial Planning & Divorce

Dividing assets after a separation can be tough. Our friendly advisors are on hand to help you navigate this difficult time. Watch our video for some initial guidance on financial planning and divorce

What Does a Financial Advisor Do?

What Does a Financial Advisor Do?

In this video we answer some of the common questions we get asked:
✔️ How Financial Advisors can assist people to manage their money
✔️ The different types of services Financial Advisors provide
✔️ Who should work with a Financial Advisor

savings and investments youtube

Savings and Investments Made Easy

At Oaktree Financial, we're here to help you unlock the secrets to building a secure and prosperous future. 💼📈
Whether you're just starting out on your savings journey or looking to maximise your investment portfolio, we've got you covered. Our team of financial experts will take the time to understand your unique goals, so we can craft a personalised plan that works best for you.

transferring pension benefits - what you need to know

Transferring Pension Benefits - What You Need to Know

As interest rates are expected to rise for the foreseeable, if you are considering to transfer your pension now really would be a great time to act as interest rates are not likely to reduce in the near future.
If you want to see how you can protect and secure your pension income please visit our website to book a complimentary chat.

Life Insurance Policy

Life Insurance Policy

A life insurance policy protects your loved ones and gives you peace of mind. It pays a lump sum when you die and means that, whatever happens, those you love most are taken care of financially.
We make life insurance easy by providing low-cost life insurance and saving your time.
As your broker, we have access to the most competitive, comprehensive life insurance products on the market in Ireland.

Common Financial Planning Questions Answered

Common Financial Planning Questions Answered

This week we are answering some more common financial planning questions.
Some of the questions answered in this video are:
How are investment funds taxed?
What do I do if my bank is closing?
Should I clear my mortgage with an inheritance?
How do I track down old pensions?

The Benefits of Compound Interest

The Benefits of Compound Interest

In this video, Adrian explains the benefits of compound interest and how it works when it comes to investing.

ESG Investing

ESG Investing

ESG investing is also known as socially responsible investing and it refers to Environmental, Social, and Governance factors.
Many people today want to invest in funds that have a positive impact on the world, or at least not have a negative impact. ESG is becoming increasingly popular all over the world.
An ESG investment fund will exclude companies that don't tick all the socially responsible boxes.

Reasons to have a Financial Plan

3 Reasons to have a Financial Plan

Having a Financial Plan is essential to get the most out of your money and prepare you for your future. It is different for everyone, and your priorities will depend on your goals and circumstances, but here are 3 reasons to have a financial plan in place.

The benefits of topping up your investment

The benefits of topping up your investment

In this video, Tracy talks about the benefits of topping up your investment monthly, so essentially a regular investments plan on top of a lump sum investment.

ARFs Explained

ARFs Explained

ARF stands for Approved Retirement Fund, and it is a personal retirement fund where you can keep your money invested after you retire.
After receiving your lump sum on retirement from your pension scheme the balance of your pension pot transfers to your ARF.

Pensions for all ages

Pensions for all ages

While many people are at different stages of life at different ages, this will give a rough guide of things to consider at each age regarding your pension.

Then Auto-Enrolment Pension Scheme

Then Auto-Enrolment Pension Scheme

The government recently announced the new auto-enrolment pension scheme which will begin in 2024. While this is a good step in the right direction, there are better pension scheme alternatives available that will benefit both employers and employees more.

The Benefits of Starting Investing Early

The Benefits of Starting Investing Early

In this video, Tracy talks about the benefits of starting investing early in life. An early start can be one of the best financial decisions you make.

A Guide to Group Pensions Webinar

A Guide to Group Pensions Webinar

The purpose of the webinar is to help employers and HR managers understand and meet their legal requirements to provide staff with access to a pension scheme.
This event will be of particular interest to any company or employer who wants to be socially responsible and encourage their employees to be more financially secure in their future. This includes business owners, human resources managers, general managers, or anyone else that has an influence on the employees in their company.
If you are a company that already has a group scheme, perhaps you aren't fully satisfied with your current scheme. This webinar will help you understand the importance of service levels.

Taking Control of your Pension Entitlements

Taking Control of your Pension Entitlements

If you’ve switched jobs at any time throughout your career, there is a good chance that you have left pension entitlements behind with your previous employers.
Unfortunately, your pension does not automatically come with you when you leave your job unless you take action.
If you don't recover these entitlements by the time you reach retirement, you miss your opportunity to claim the contributions made into your pension pot from your own hard earned money.

What Savings Accounts Should You Have

What Savings Accounts Should You Have

In this video, Tracy outlines what savings account most people should have and the different reasons for each.

A Guide to Group Pensions Webinar

A Guide to Group Pensions for Employers Webinar

On April 13th at 1 pm, we are hosting a complimentary webinar discussing the advantages and key details of Group Company Pension Schemes for employers.
The purpose of the webinar is to help employers and HR managers understand and meet their legal requirements to provide staff with access to a pension scheme. This is especially important after the latest Pension Auto-Enrolment announcement!
This event will be of particular interest to any company or employer who wants to be socially responsible and encourage their employees to be more financially secure in their future. This includes business owners, human resources managers, general managers, or anyone else that has an influence on the employees in their company.

Investment Market Reaction

Investment Market Reaction

With everything that's going on at the moment, we wanted to give our take on how the markets are reacting.

The Benefits of a Group Pension Plan for Employers

The Benefits of a Group Pension Plan for Employers

This video is for employers and HR managers in businesses who have either yet to set up a Group Pension for their employees or have one set up but are not getting the most out of it.
As a Financial Broker, we can help your business get the most out of a Group Pension Plan and provide ongoing financial advice for all staff and employers.

Investment Funds Explained

Investment Funds Explained

In this video, Tracy explains what investment funds are, how they work, and their main benefits.
As a Financial Broker and Advisor, we help clients choose the most suitable investment funds for their goals and circumstances. Whether that be a lump sum investment, a savings plan, or a pension plan.

When to take your pension seriously

When to take your pension seriously

Many people in Ireland underestimate how much pension savings are needed for just a moderate retirement income.
Pensions are often put off or not taken seriously until later in life, but this is a mistake a lot of people make.
Starting your pension early is one of the smartest financial decisions you can make, but it's never too late to take control.
There's no point in dwelling on the fact that you should've started sooner. Start taking your pension seriously now and take advantage of the tax reliefs.

Reasons to Consider Investing

Reasons to Consider Investing

In this video, Adrian outlines a few key reasons to consider investing. It's a lot simpler than you might think and has great benefits, especially in the long run.

Investing with a Financial Advisor

Investing with a Financial Advisor

Anyone can invest on their own, but it may not be the best way to get the most out of investing for a lot of people. Here are a few benefits of investing with a Financial Advisor.

Ways to Reduce Investment Risk

Ways to Reduce Investment Risk

Investing always carries some level of risk no matter what you do, but there are ways to reduce it. Tracy outlines some things to consider and actions you can take to reduce your overall investment risk in this video.

Drawing Down Your Pension

Drawing Down Your Pension

In this video, Tracy Sumstad outlines when you can draw down your pension and what your options are.

Pensions for women

Pensions for women

In this week's video, Tracy will talk about the importance of pensions for women. Fewer women contribute to their own pension schemes than men do even though we are all entitled to the same benefits, so we wanted to raise awareness about this.

Pension for the Self Employed

Pension for the Self Employed

If you are a self-employed individual, it is important to know what the most suitable types of pension plans available to you are. Tracy will outline the main differences between pension planning for a sole trader and pension planning for people who are trading as part of a limited company.

The Benefits of Income Protection Insurance

The Benefits of Income Protection Insurance

Income Protection Insurance or permanent health insurance is a protection policy which will pay you a benefit income if you've been unable to work for a certain amount of time because of illness or injury.
While we all protect the things like our cars and our homes, we forget what actually pays for these which is our income.
If you are working full-time or are self-employed, you should consider income protection, especially if you have others relying on your income.

Voluntary Redundancies

Voluntary Redundancies - Know Your Options

If you are an employee who has been put in a voluntary redundancy situation, it is vitally important that you understand all of your options. Voluntary redundancies are different for every individual. We have worked with many companies in these scenarios, and we have yet to come across the same individual situation twice.
You need to know what your pension is worth and make sure you know the future consequences if you accept an increased exemption from your employer. This can waive the right for you to receive a tax free lump sum in the future which is about 25% of your pension fund. It is also important that if you do take a lump sum, that you use that money wisely and that’s where a broker like us comes in.

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