Learn more about planning your financial future.
Why you need a savings plan
Savings are so important and are a huge part of any solid financial plan. Having savings gives you more security for the future which eases financial worries. There are countless things you can save for depending on your goals, but the following are 5 key reasons why...
Common Questions Answered
The following are 5 common questions we receive on a frequent basis. We will always answer questions directly, but we created anonymous variations of these 5 common questions as it may benefit many more of our readers. Feel free to send any questions to...
Financial Tips For Couples
With Valentine's day approaching, we decided to give some financial tips for people in a relationship. Most couples don’t need a couples counsellor, they need a financial advisor. Couples who work together on their financial plan tend to have healthier and stronger...
The Game of Patience When Investing
Saving and investing are often used interchangeably. While there are certainly differences between them, for the purposes of this article you can assume I am referring to both regular savers (non bank account) and lump sum investments. Investing in stock...
The Benefits of Having a Pension
Pensions are such an important part of a solid financial plan. Planning for your retirement is often overlooked and put on the long finger which is one of the biggest mistakes people make with their finances. It is never too early or too late to take control of your...
5 Financial Tips for 2021
So 2020 is finally coming to an end. A year that most of us can’t wait to see the back of! It is finally starting to look like there is some light at the end of the tunnel. Let’s hope that 2021 is a lot better. Here are 5 financial tips to make 2021 the year that you...
Preparing For Retirement
How can I prepare for retirement? Before we ever look at when you can retire, we need to first examine how to prepare for your retirement. Many people focus on ‘their number’, i.e. how much they need to have in their pension pot before they can retire. This is...
Post-Retirement Options
When you reach retirement, you have an important financial decision to make regarding your pension fund and how it could be best used to meet you and your family’s needs in the future. Two of the most important factors you should consider are the way in which you wish...