Many of us are, to some extent, beginning to see the joys of being able to work from home and spend more time with our families – or maybe you wish you’d built yourself a home office with a lockable door!
Either way, we now have time to think about the things we have been putting on the long finger. We are all guilty of postponing things, so don’t feel guilty about it!
Our houses have been cleaned to within an inch of their life, rooms painted, sheds organised and lawns manicured – and that’s only the first few weeks! Imagine what you’ll have done when this is all over!
Now that there is time to think and to take a different perspective on things, it is an excellent time to review where you are in life – to take stock of what you have been doing (or not doing) and to update your reality check.
This will and should include a thought process around your financial situation; a review of your finances and a check on the amounts you are paying for various items such as TV, phone, health insurance, life insurance, pensions.
Do you know where the money goes from your account? Do you know why and what it’s for and, more importantly, what it’s supposed to be doing for you?!
Over the last few weeks, we have had so many people contact us and ask us to help them review their life and pension products. Not out of fear, but more to make sure that there is adequate provision for their families’ future whether that be in the event of a death or, more importantly, as a result of a well-earned retirement.
So – why not take stock for you and your family. Grab your partner, maybe a bottle of wine and get out to that newly organised shed. Take time to wonder what you’d like to be doing when we get back out into the world. But more importantly, take time to think about all the things you’ve been putting on the long finger!
Please feel free to contact us and let us know how the process went and if we can help in any way to secure your and your family’s financial future.
(PS – I’m loving my lockable office!)

Adrian Godwin is a Senior Financial Consultant and the co-founder and managing director of Oaktree Financial Services. With a background in accounting and tax advising, Adrian specialises in estate planning and wealth management.Adrian offers clients reassurance through best practice solutions. His unique skill set and qualifications enable clients to develop comprehensive life plans that align with their goals.